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Screen notes

General tips

Moving windows in screen

    :number <number of the result window>

Changing the size of the scrollback buffer

    :scrollback 1024

"Freezing" and "unfreezing" window

To "freeze": Ctrl-A s. To "unfreeze": Ctrl-A q.

(doesn't get confused with xterm's Ctrl-S and Ctrl-Q).

Note: It doesn't seem that it works everywhere.

Set up correct backspace

If, in a recently reattached session, if your backspace prints character '^?' but doesn't delete anything, you can use Ctrl-H to delete the character before, like said here:

how do you DELETE / BACKSPACE in terminal

But if you still want to use the Backspace key normally, use the stty command, like I saw in the article linked below:

    stty erase ^?

The Linux keyboard and console HOWTO: Delete and Backspace