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Monotone notes

Fast howto

To create this fast How-To, I used the Monotone tutorial.

Monotone tutorial

User one creates its database::

    $ mtn db init --db=~/

Generates keys::

    $ mtn genkey

Serving your repository to other users

If you want to server your repository to other users, do that:

First, the user will have to tell you his/her public key::

    $ mtn pubkey > /tmp/the.user.pubkey
    $ scp /tmp/the.user.pubkey host:/tmp/

Then, user will need to allow the user to access the database::

    $ cat /tmp/the.user.pubkey | mtn --db=~/ read

Now create the file with read permissions in ~/.monotone/read-permissions with the following content::

    pattern "*"
    allow ""
    allow ""

And the ~/.monotone/write-permissions file::

Now, just run the mtn serve command::

    $ mtn --db=~/ serve

Other users will be able to get your repository typing these commands::

    $ mtn db init --db=~/
    $ mtn --db=~/ sync nserhost \*

The * means that you want to sync all branches. If you need to sync a specific branch, type the name of the branch you want to sync.