Miscellaneous stuff
Here you will find miscellaneous notes about the books I read, recipes and stuff.
Here are just some random notes about the books I read. The idea here is to write what is more important in each chapter, page etc. of each book worth to be noted. Sometimes it is just a transcription of some parts of the books (the most important ones, for me), sometimes a summary of important subjects so it is easy to find it further, or just my opinion in something.
Must of them are in Portuguese, which is the language I read most of the books.
- Fausto, Boris: História do Brasil
- Galeano, Eduardo: As Veias Abertas da América Latina
- Hobsbawm, Eric: A Era das Revoluções
Some recipes of food I like to cook. In Portuguese only, for now.
- Arroz chaufa
- Arroz de forno com frango
- Barra de cereais com banana
- Bolo de canela em pó
- Bolo de laranja com casca
- Cação ao leite de coco
- Caldo de cebola
- Charutos de repolho
- Cuscuz paulista
- Frango xadrez
- Grão de bico cozido
- Lentilha com linguiça
- Lentilha cozida
- Molho agridoce
- Molho de mel e mostarda
- Mousse de limão
- Omelete
- Polenta com carne de panela
- Risoto de camarão
- Strogonoff Vegetariano
- Torta de frango no liquidificador